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How to Pay MERALCO Bill Using GCash GCredit? FAQs & Detailed Step-by-step Process 📱

Updated: Jan 12, 2019

In my previous article, I sited the basic information about GCash Gcredit and the detailed process on how to use it in QR payments. If you haven't read it yet, you can view it here:

Now this part explains the detailed step by step process on how to pay Meralco Bill using GCash GCredit.

You can use GCredit to:

  • Pay QR - Purchase items, scan to pay with GCash QR, & choose GCredit. Available at over 6,000 stores,

  • Pay Bills - Pay bills thru GCash & choose GCredit.

How to use GCredit to Pay MERALCO Bill?

1. Open Gcash

► click "Pay Bills"

► Electric Utilities ► Meralco

2. Click the bar code icon on the right side of Meralco Ref. No. line.

3. Scan the barcode at the bottom right corner of your Meralco Bill.

Once scanned, the store name & the Meralco Ref. No. will be displayed.

4. Choose Pay for the Total Current Amount then Enter the total amount of your purchase.

Make sure to enter the exact amount including the centavos.

You can indicate your email address which is optional.

Two payment options will be listed, GCash or Gcredit.

5. Choose pay with GCredit.

6. Once done, a confirmation receipt with reference number will be displayed.

You can screenshot this for future reference, or you can just click the download icon at the upper right corner to save an image version of your transaction receipt.

You'll also received an SMS confirmation.

The cashier will check if they receive the payment with correct amount. Once confirmed, the receipt will be issued just as your usual shopping receipt.

And you're done!

To check your credit status, click "Manage Credit" on the app initial screen.

How your interest is computed:

Why pay for your GCredit?

Pay on time and enjoy these benefits!

  • Maintain a Good GScore by paying on time and getting better chances to have a higher credit limit

  • Avoid getting your credit limit suspended for continued usage

  • Avoid paying additional interest charges until full repayment and penalties

  • Avoid receiving repetitive payment reminder text notifications

  • Avoid getting recurring calls from collection agencies

  • Prevent escalation for a legal action and dealing with legal units

If you still don't have a GCash account, sign up now to get free ₱50!

1. Scan this QR code to get started.

2. Or Follow this link:

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Disclaimer: is an independent & privately owned website, and this blog was solely based on the author's app experience and honest review. Future versions/modifications of the app might be of different user experience.

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